Kirani James Ambassador For The Grenada Invitational 2019

As plans for Grenada Invitational 3 intensities the Directors and Organising Committee are pleased. In fact delighted. to announce the Inclusion of double Olympic Medallist and Local Hero – Kirani James as an Ambassador to the 2019 edition of the Southern Caribbean’s largest Track and Field meet.

In a statement on Monday March 25″‘ Kirani proffered the following:

I am happy to announce that I will be a part of the 2019 edition of the Grenada Invitational as an Official Ambassador. Even though I am not competing this year.

I consider It an honour to be a part of a project which purpose Is towards the development of track and field In Grenada and highlight it on a Local. Regional and international level.

It is also an opportunity to showcase Grenada In a way that would benefit us all. I look forward to seeing my fellow colleagues compete and I hope that everyone can come out support and enjoy their talents.

With quite possibly the best cast of athletes in the three year existence of the Grenada Invitational we are delighted for the resounding endorsement and support of Grenada’s most decorated and accomplished athlete.

Kirani will arrive In Grenada on Monday April 08″‘ and will be engaged In a series of activities including welcoming the over 140 athletes who will be here to compete and also providing some expert analysis during the Live ESPN broadcast of the Grenada Invitational. The 3’. Grenada Invitational takes place at the Kiranl James Athletics Stadium on Saturday 13″1 April 2019.

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We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.