Dexter Mitchell: The Entertainment Report (2022)

With the removal of restrictions, social distancing, travel etc, there was a heightened sense of anticipation among providers of and consumers of entertainment products.

An eager audience, deprived of the relief and outlet that the entertainment industry provides, gravitated to any offering that would compensate for the months of lockdown and the restrictions that impeded their usual enjoyment and fun.

As the events unfolded, we were treated to a mixed bag of activities. Grenada’s biggest entertainment event, the National Soca Monarch competition, turned out to be an incomprehensible and spectacular disaster. Even with the benefit of added time for preparations the organizers failed miserably and then added insult to injury by trying to convince a disappointed Grenadian public that the Carnival season was a success and what appeared to be small numbers at Soca Monarch had to be considered in the context of a larger space for the event.

Fortunately for Grenada, Soca Monarch and Carnival the expected changes at the helm of the Spice Mas Corporation should prevent a repeat of the 2022 Carnival season – certainly the worse since 2007.

On the positive side, Grenada’s music continues to improve tremendously. This space and this author have been unwavering in championing the cause for local music. Grenada’s music is now played on local radio stations year-round and mixed in with music from other States, not segmented as in the past. Boyzie, Dash, Terra The Governor, V’ghn, Skinny Banton, Slatta as Artistes and Expert as Producers must be complimented for their consistently high quality of work. We certainly hope that 2023 is the year for major regional and international breakthrough for the afore-mentioned.

Coming out of the pandemic Mr. Killa is riding a renewed wave of popularity and success. He has evolved into the International success that was predicted for him since the days on Talent Search.

Although already mentioned, Expert Studios, must be again recognized for the tremendous work the James Brothers are doing in Carriacou. Live instrumentation, quality studio production and creative videos and promotions have established Expert Studios as the premier and by far music production facility for Grenada music.

While in the Sister Isle we must recognize the Carriacou Cultural Train for their selfless commitment to preservation, promotion and development of Carriacou’s unique cultural expressions. What is being undertaken in Carriacou is some of what is needed in Grenada. There is no subvention or entitlement just a genuine love for culture and people. Let us hope some of those qualities make it over to the mainland.

2022 saw the emergence of new promotional outfits with a new range of offerings for the general public. Grenada is still a democratic state and the space is open for anyone to do as he or she pleases with their investment dollars. However, what past for entertainment, in some cases leaves a lot to be desired. As more of these disorganized, poorly advertised events unfolded a discerning Grenadian public avoided what was on offer.

The promotional industry in Grenada has been built on years of hard work, establishing reputations and avoiding the hustle mentality. From the days of Red Rat in Island View to Beres Hammond in Seamoons to Stone Love in the Q West Nite Club – all before the National Stadium became the choice of venue, before there were options in the provision of stage, lights and sound system – this industry was built on the desire to provide Grenada and Grenadians with quality entertainment while building an industry that provides economic opportunities for Grenadians across a wide spectrum of services and skillsets.

Let us hope the end of 2022 signals an end to the madness and taxi drivers would not continue to attempt to be fly planes without the pre-requisite training and qualifications.

The Calypso fraternity continues to lose its stalwarts and 2022 was no different with Singing Francine, Explainer and Black Stalin all joining the heavenly chorus line adding some Caribbean flavor through social commentary and party favorites.

One is hopeful that the physical deaths of our Calypso greats no way diminishes the significance of their work. In fact, let us hope they get ‘the Bob Marley treatment’ with the music getting more popular and appreciated with time.

2022 should have provided valuable lessons that would hopefully guide the entertainment industry in 2023 and beyond. Quality, audience experience which includes timeliness should heighten in 2023. If hustle is the intent for involvement in this industry my suggestion is look elsewhere.

A Made In Grenada Publication ©

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We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.