TAMCC Accepts Transformation By Design Project Challenge

The Ministry of Mobilisation, Implementation and Transformation (MIT) met recently with more than 60 Building Technology students of the T A Marryshow Community College, along with their teachers, to introduce the Transformation by Design Project.

Recognising the high demand for building technology engineers locally, the Ministry intends to fill this gap by nurturing and creating an enabling environment which motivates young talent to be part of the Government’s Transformation Agenda.

The challenge project will require students to submit architectural designs for identified public spaces across Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique that will influence the development of those areas. The students will be given one month to submit their designs following the official launch of the project.

The project will culminate with showcasing presentations submitted by the students to allow the public to provide feedback on their recommendations.

The students and teachers expressed their enthusiasm for the challenge project and the Minister pledged his personal support, and that of his Ministry, towards the successful realisation of the initiative.

The MIT continues to urge the citizens of Grenada to participate in transforming Grenada as we tread the path to our development.

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