Senior Men’s National Players Joshua Isaac And Benjamin Ettienne Embark On Training Opportunity With Queen’s Park Rangers, UK

Two Senior Men’s National Team players, Joshua Isaac and Benjamin  Ettienne, have been granted an extraordinary opportunity to train with Queen’s Park Rangers in  the United Kingdom. This invaluable experience offers them the chance to hone their skills in a  professional environment, contributing to their personal and footballing growth.

Joshua Isaac, a player from Paradise FC International, and Benjamin Ettienne, representing  Queen’s Park Rangers Grenada, left the island on Saturday evening to embark on this exciting  journey.

Speaking of this opportunity before departing Ettienne said, “It’s always been a dream of mine  to train in England and it is a wonderful opportunity to showcase my talent.” Likewise, Joshua  Isaac said, “It will be great experiencing training with a team at a higher level and we will come  back to implement what we learnt in the national team.”

Grenada Football Association (GFA) President Marlon Glean has repeatedly emphasized the  significance of developing such partnerships, recognizing the potential they hold in elevating the  standard of football in our nation. This opportunity with Queen’s Park Rangers marks the  beginning of what the FA hopes will be an enduring and fruitful collaboration with esteemed  football clubs in the UK.

The GFA extends its heartfelt gratitude to Queen’s Park Rangers for opening their doors to our  talented players and providing them with this exceptional training opportunity. As Joshua and  Benjamin set off on this transformative journey, the GFA and the entire nation rally behind them,  offering our unwavering support and best wishes. We have no doubt that they will make the  most of this experience, representing Grenada with pride and passion.

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