Recent earthquake activity in Eastern Caribbean

Seismograph printing seismic activity records of a severe earthquake.

The University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI SRC) reported several earthquake events in the northeast area of the Caribbean from Barbados to far northeast of the Lesser Antilles which is a curved chain of volcanoes 850 km in length located between Puerto Rico and Venezuela.

Sometimes, such activity can signal an even more significant magnitude earthquake, in the short term. A statement from UWI SRC emphasises that the Eastern Caribbean arc is a subduction zone setting which experiences thousands of earthquakes annually. The statement warns that although most of these events are not felt, moderate to significant events may impact the region at any time. It goes on to say that the area is known to have generated our largest earthquake, on 8 February 1843. The UWI SRC reiterates that science cannot predict exactly where and when such events will occur, and therefore encourages consistent individual, national, and regional preparedness to mitigate possible impacts.

The National Disaster Management Agency (NaDMA) encourages all citizens to prepare themselves and their families, practice earthquake safety, and make an earthquake preparedness plan. If an earthquake occurs, remember to DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON until the shaking stops.  

For the latest information on seismic activity in the Eastern Caribbean, please follow The UWI Seismic Research Centre on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @uwiseismic.
