Outstanding boatbuilder honoured by King Charles III

“I am happy to receive such an award while I am still alive as many other boat builders such as Jassie Compton, Zephrine McLaren and Gordon Patrice did not receive such honour before their passing,” said outstanding boat builder Alwyn Enoe.

Enoe who has been a shipwright for over 40 years, was among several Grenadians to be awarded by the King in the New Year Honours. He was bestowed with a British Empire Medal (BEM) for services to Entrepreneurship.

Born and bred in the boatbuilding village of Windward, he said it is a real honour to be recognised and he would like to see the younger generation continue the tradition. Enoe has built 12 open deck sloops over the years with some operating charter businesses in several Caribbean islands like Antigua and St. Vincent.

Meanwhile, in an effort to sustain this rich cultural tradition, the Ministry of Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs and Local Government under the leadership of Minister Hon. Tevin Andrews has budgeted funds to develop this area.

There are also plans with an investor to develop a boatbuilding school and museum.

Ministry of Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs.