His Excellency Hassan Hadeed Presents Credentials to President Laurentino Cortizo Cohen of Panama

On Thursday 25th January 2024, His Excellency Hassan Hadeed,
Ambassador of Grenada to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, presented letters of Credence to
His Excellency Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, President of the Republic of Panama. He was one of 16
Ambassadors to do so.

Panama is a country rich in copper, mahogany forests, shrimp, and hydropower. Its agricultural
products include poultry, pineapples, beef, and pork. Most of its exports in copper, refined petroleum
and coal tar oil is done with Ecuador and Guatemala.

Ambassador Hadeed’s accreditation is expected to bolster relations between Grenada and Panama
as Grenada seeks to explore cooperation with Latin American countries with whom we have
relations but little technical and economic cooperation.

Grenada’s Ambassador expressed Grenada’s strong desire to strengthen relations particularly in the
areas of sustainable development, tourism, and economic partnerships, to promote dialogue,
facilitate trade and encourage meaningful cultural exchanges between Grenada and Panama.

Grenada and Panama established diplomatic relations on 18th November 1974. The Embassy of
the Republic of Panama in Trinidad and Tobago is accredited to Grenada.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Export Development