Why Perch Like A Chicken When You Are Capable Of Soaring Like An Eagle?

Soaring Like An Eagle

By Ettie Rutherford
Contributing Writer

Ettie Rutherford 1The title of my recently published book — Why Perch Like A Chick When You Can Soar Like An Eagle? — challenges everyone to get out of their comfort zone and prepare for life, even through the storms, broken branches and thorns.

Soaring, for everyone, can be as liberating as it is for the eagle, which throughout the world is admired as a symbol of power, freedom and excellence.

The thought of rising from your present life of challenges might be scary. However, the freedom to achieve your dreams far outweigh the meager existence that exists, when you allow fear to trap you into living life like a scared chick, perched on a lowly branch.

Photo credit: Morteza F.Shojaei.

Photo credit: Morteza F.Shojaei.

So, for the coming year, you will be able to soar and achieve your dreams, if you focus on the following:
>Using your God-given talents to improve your life and the life of others;
>Ridding yourself of negative thoughts, which are holding you as a prisoner;
>Upgrading your knowledge continually. Knowledge is power;
>Recording two positive experiences on a daily basis;
>Seeing fear for what it is: False Evidence Appearing Real;
>Asking yourself: when did I stop laughing, dancing, singing?
>Aligning your life: God first, then self, while everyone else gets in line.

Soaring can be liberating, because your wings are taking you at your own speed.

In sisterhood!

Award-winning Ettie Rutherford, B.Ed, Dip.Ed, M.Ed, is an educator, life coach, consultant and author of “Why Perch Like A Chick When You Can Soar Like An Eagle?”. An accomplished public speaker, Ettie is the Founder and CEO of Women Are Worthy, which provides step-by-step strategies for women to achieve their goals, with a minimum amount of stress. She can be reached at ettie@womenrworthy.com

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