Prime Minister Mitchell Praises Social Partners At Regional Meeting

Prime Minister, Dr. the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell on Thursday praised social partners in Grenada for their role in enabling the success of the country’s home-grown structural adjustment programme.

The success of the programme continues to generate significant attention and at the 3rd Growth and Resilience Dialogue with Social Partners, hosted by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank in St. Kitts and Nevis, Dr. Mitchell emphasised the role of the social partners.

He said, “The fact is Grenada’s successful structural adjustment programme had a lot to do with the social partnership that was developed over the last several years. Without the buy-in of trade unions, businesses, NGOs and the people as a whole, we could never have achieved what we did.

Addressing delegates at the meeting Dr. Mitchell added, “This session here speaks to that sort of relationship, where the ECCB has initiated for us as leaders, government and opposition and our stakeholders, trade unions to be involved.”

Dr. Mitchell commended the ECCB for initiating the dialogue and stressed the importance of it continuing. He expressed disappointment that more regional leaders did not attend.

“This is so significant; we must be able to work together. In Grenada, we don’t always share the same views on some issues; we have strong differences but the big picture is the country and in the final analysis, sometimes we agree to disagree but we have to be at the table together,” he said.

The Prime Minister said he plans to discuss the level of participation in the Growth and Resilience Dialogue at the 93rd Meeting of the Monetary Council of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union on Friday and also at the Thirtieth Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Conferences of Heads of Government of CARICOM later this month.


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We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.