World Food Day 2019 Promoted Healthier Eating For A Zero Hunger World

Seaton James Street, Grenville, St Andrew, was transformed into an avenue of food, as Grenada joined the rest of the world in Celebrating World Food Day on 16 October 2019.

Observed under the theme “Our Actions are our future: Healthier Diets for a Zero Hunger World” the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, through the exhibits of different stakeholder organisations, highlighted and demonstrated healthier eating habits.

Students at World Food Day 2019

From the Grenada Food and Nutrition Council (GFNC), to the Grenada Cooperative Nutmeg Association (GCNA); from the Diamond Chocolate Factory, to 4-H’ers from different primary schools, the notion that healthier locally produced foods is best for consumption was shared. So too was it underlined during the opening ceremony of the event.

In her opening remarks, Lauren St Louis, Senior Agricultural Officer in the Ministry of Agriculture, and Chairperson of the World Food Day organising committee, spoke of the need for there to be healthier meals on the dining room table. “The WHO estimates, that non-communicable diseases kill 41 million people each year. This translates to 71% of all deaths globally; 85% of these deaths occur in low and middle-income countries. 4.1 million annual deaths have been attributed to extra salt intake; 1.6 million can be attributed to insufficient activity. Unhealthy diets contribute to raised blood pressure, obesity, high glucose levels leading to insulin resistance and high levels of fat in the blood….These statistics demonstrate how closely our health and diets are related, as unhealthy diets and physical inactivity are among the leading causes of non-communicable diseases which significantly contributes to the global burden of malnutrition in all its forms,” she remarked.

World Food Day 2019

Minister for Agriculture and Lands, Hon. Yolande Bain-Horsford said the task of promoting and encouraging healthy eating is a collaborative effort between all stakeholder bodies. “Government continues to place emphasis on the development of the agriculture sector because we know we cannot ensure healthy diets for a zero hunger Grenada if the Agriculture Sector is not thriving. I therefore challenge my technical officers, our collaborating partners and the nation’s farmers to combine efforts in addressing the issue of food and nutrition security,” Minister Bain-Horsford stated.

She further encouraged collaboration to provide safe and nutritious food in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

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