16 Days Of Activism

The Ministry of Social Development, Housing and Community Empowerment commemorates the 16 Days of Activism against GBV 2019 under the Theme “Generation Equality Stands against Domestic and Sexual Violence”. This period, from November 25 to December 10, will be used to:

– Reflect on commitments and accomplishments made to address Domestic and Sexual Violence

– Engage young people to confront these forms of violence against women and children

– Discuss ways in which the Ministry can become more gender-responsive in its work with families and communities

– Make preparations to implement the Spotlight Initiative from 2020

The main activities planned are:

  1. December 3rd: Generation Equality in Action – students from Secondary Schools in St Andrew’s are asked to represent the voice of “Generation Equality” to speak out against domestic and sexual violence
  2. December 5th: Gender Sensitisation Workshop with Field Officers from the SEED and Housing Programmes of the Ministry

As we reflect, we note that Grenada has made steady progress to confront domestic and sexual violence, but there is more to be done. Currently, the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs is leading a process for the reform of legislation to address gaps in holding offenders accountable. The Ministry applauds this effort and calls on the entire community to give support to the law reform process to ensure that those who are found guilty of sexual abuse receive a measure of penalty that truly serves as a deterrent. Offenders and potential offenders of rape, sexual assault, and related offences must become aware that these are serious crimes, and that they will be penalised appropriately. We are committed to breaking the culture of rape and sexual abuse.

During the Nairobi Summit to mark the 25th Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD25), the Honourable Peter David, Minister of Foreign Affairs, delivered the commitment that: “Grenada will implement coordinated interventions to address gaps in the provision of multi-sectoral short-term and long-term responses to victims of sexual and intimate partner violence.”

This commitment is in keeping with the Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women, the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Eradication and Punishment of Violence against Women and Girls, and other regional and international commitments that Grenada has already entered into. The Government of Grenada takes these commitments seriously and will ensure their implementation through the Medium-Term Agenda, the National Sustainable Development Plan and the Spotlight Initiative Project.

We call on all persons to join in the effort to eradicate domestic and sexual violence, not only through these 16 Days of Activism, but throughout. Sexual and Domestic Violence must be made a thing of the past.

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