5 Crazy Days Of Plastic Free Shopping

With less than 10 days to go as we countdown to 1 February, the social media public awareness campaign has switched into high gear, in preparation for the full implementation of the ban on single-use plastic handle shopping bags at supermarkets and food outlets islandwide.

Using the slogan “I Choose to Refuse Plastic”, shoppers are being encouraged to walk with their own durable and re-usable, environmentally friendly bags when shopping for groceries.

The social media online campaign, dubbed “5 Crazy Days of Shopping” begins on Monday, 27 January with the goal to promote enthusiasm for the upcoming plastic bag ban, through a challenge: shoppers must take and post pictures online of themselves at their favourite supermarkets, using what they think is the most creative alternative bag or object to carry their shopping. The campaign, which will be run on all social media platforms, will last from Monday, 27 January to Friday, 31 January the final 5 days before the ban goes into full effect.

The social media campaign is specifically including young adults, as the general public is encouraged to adapt to the values of the “I Choose to Refuse Plastic” campaign, and join in the fight to protect Grenada from the growing threat of plastic pollution. Participants should post their photos using the hashtag #plasticfreegrenada, and winners will be chosen for various prizes based on the popularity of their posts and the number of “likes” received. Winners will be announced on the Plastic Free Shopping Grenada Facebook page, on 1 February 2020 – the day the ban officially goes into effect.

As more and more Grenadians remember to consistently walk with their own bags when shopping, we hope to see a significant reduction in plastic litter, and a decrease in plastic contamination in the tri-island State of Grenada. Look out for posts on various social media platforms for more about the “5 Crazy Days of Shopping” competition, and other information about the laws being put into effect.

The general public is being encouraged to support the campaign by getting into the habit of using their own durable, re-usable shopping bags when going shopping.

The Ministry of Climate Resilience looks forward to the support of the public in the implementation of the Non-biodegradable Waste Control Act of 2018. Look out for various activities and announcements, as we count down the days to “Plastic Free Shopping” and work together to protect pure Grenada.

Ministry of Climate Resilience and The Environment

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We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.