Prime Minister Meets With Chinese Ambassador To Discuss Coronavirus Outbreak

Prime Minister, Dr. the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell met with Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Grenada, His Excellency, Zhao Yongchen on Tuesday to discuss the outbreak of the Coronavirus and the steps being taken to protect Grenadians in China, particularly the city of Wuhan.

The Prime Minister was advised that on Monday, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs met with the Grenadian Ambassador and other diplomats in China to provide an update on the outbreak.

Dr. Mitchell welcomed this and called for ongoing updates. He said, “There should be regular updates shared through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Parents and relatives of students have been expressing concern and Government needs to be kept abreast of the measures being put in place to address the outbreak so that we can ensure their continued well-being.”

Ambassador Zhao assured the Prime Minister that the Chinese Government is taking the outbreak very seriously and a multiplicity of measures is being explored to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.

He highlighted the lockdown that was instituted, saying the residents of Wuhan are not allowed to leave. Speaking specifically about the Grenadian students in Wuhan, Ambassador Zhao said it is not recommended that they leave.

The Ambassador referred to a China Daily news article which quoted State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi as saying, “The Chinese government stays committed to protecting the lives and health of the Chinese people, and also treats foreigners in China, including Japanese, in the same way, and addresses their legitimate concerns in a timely manner.” The same article also quotes Minister Wang as saying that China will step up communication and coordination with the international community to curb the spread.

The Government of Grenada will continue to closely monitor the Coronavirus outbreak and seek to ensure the continued well-being of Grenadians in China.

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