Simple And Effective Ways To Treat Hemorrhoids Easily!

“Hemorrhoids”- the term generally used for the veins that are present in the anal canal, which swollen over time. For the fact, it is true that everyone has veins in this area, but when they become enlarged they can result in bleeding, itching and can cause pain. Hemorrhoids can be located internally, externally or both. When a rare serious condition persists, hemorrhoids certainly cause a lot of discomfort and concern. With the help of a Hemorrhoid cream or certain over the counter medications, these can be controlled but only for a short period of time.

Here is a guide to the treatment of hemorrhoids with easy and simple ways:


Before assuming that and concluding your condition as hemorrhoids, it’s a good idea to see your doctor for an examination. After all, it’s difficult to take a look for yourself and conclude any problem. If there is bleeding, severe pain or fecal incontinence which means the loss of bowel control, it is highly advised to see your doctor. A large amount of bleeding or the sudden onset of severe pain concludes you should seek medical treatment immediately without delay.


Ways To Treat Hemorrhoids With Simple Home Remedies!


  • Drink Water: Water therapy is a must-have treatment not only for hemorrhoids but for every kind of disease you are suffering from. When you do not have enough water intake, your bowel movements result in becoming hard and difficult to pass. This increases pressure in the pelvic area and makes the hemorrhoids get enlarged.
  • Include Enough Fiber In Your Diet: An adequate fiber intake is essential to ensure that you do not get constipated to keep the bowel movements remain soft and easy to pass.
  • Use Soothing Wipes: Cleaning your anal area is an important step, as leftover fecal material is irritating to the skin. While most toilet paper or washcloth will work, many people prefer the Hemorrhoid wipes which are the preparation H medicated wipes, these often contain witch hazel and aloe in them, which are soothing.
  • Avoid Rubbing The Area Too Much: Rubbing can cause the skin to itch, the rougher the toilet paper you use, bigger the problem it creates.
  • Heed The Urge: Rush to the bathroom as soon as possible when you have an urge to pass a bowel movement.
  • Take A Sitz Bath: This includes sitting in warm water for about 20 minutes at a time. Some people buy special sitz bath seats but it is not really required, all you need is a bathtub and some warm water. You can repeat this about 2 or 3 times a day. Do not forget to gently pat dry the anal area to avoid irritation. You can also clean with a hemorrhoid wipe, after a sitz bath, to ensure safety.
  • Apply Ice Packs: Various doctors have recommended this but is not proven to be highly essential. You can try the treatment, it may provide comfort to a few people, than the disease.
  • Avoid Sitting On The Toilet Seat For Too Long: this factor has been noted to swell the hemorrhoidal veins and can make the situation worse.
  • Use Ointments And Creams: The usage of hemorrhoid creams can help in several ways. Most of them contain an element called “emollients”- this is a medication that is used to soften and soothe the skin. Various suppositories also contain hydrocortisone which is a topical steroid that often acts as reducing the inflammation. While other products contain anesthetics such as 5% lidocaine. Make sure you do not get confused with the hemorrhoidal suppositories with laxative suppositories. For instance, while glycerin is good to soften your hands, a glycerin suppository is probably a laxative that will not help treat hemorrhoids. Don’t use these products for more than 10 days unless your doctor has recommended it. They can make the situation worse if used for a prolonged period.

Summary: Hemorrhoids can happen and affect anyone, therefore it is advised to take precautions as soon as possible before the situation worsens. Most people will get relief from at-home treatments, to name a few read the blog to know about them!

Article By Helen Kennedy


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