Seafarers off to STCW training in Trinidad & Tobago

25 seafarers from Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, have arrived in Trinidad and Tobago, for a 2-week training in basic safety at sea.

The all-men team left the island on Saturday to participate in the Standards of Training, Certification and Watch-keeping (STCW).

Before departure, the participants met with the Minister with responsibility for Youth Development, Hon. Kate Lewis and Acting Coordinator of Youth Development, Royden Beharry, at the National Stadium, where expectations and sentiments of best wishes were shared.

The training falls under the Ministry of Youth Development, Sports, Culture and the Arts and will be held at Caribbean Fisheries Training & Development Institute in Trinidad.

Minister with responsibility for Youth Development, Kate Lewis, told the participants that they should grasp this opportunity for learning and certification. “I can only encourage you to make the best of it, we are proud that you applied, we are proud you went through the interview successfully and you are here today, we are happy you are receiving such wonderful opportunity and we want you to make the best of it.”

As Grenada continues to monitor the onslaught of the coronavirus internationally, Beharry encouraged the men to practice proper hygiene and take all necessary steps to ensure they remain safe, as they transit in and out airport facilities. “We encourage persons to use your sanitisers, take as much precautions as possible, as you pass through the airports, there are many persons there so you would want to be extra careful about what you touch, what you do. This is very important.”

The team will be managed by Youth Officer, Anderson Gaskin. He will be assisted by Kurt Baptiste. “Congratulations to you and let’s apply ourselves to get the best results. I’m looking forward to all of you returning to Grenada with a certificate.” Gaskin said on Saturday.

Participants during Saturday’s ceremony thanked the Youth Ministry for the opportunity afforded to them and committed towards successfully completing the training.

It will be held from 8-16 March at the Caribbean Fisheries Training and Development Institute (CFTDI), which offers training and certification in accordance with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) standards.

Ministry of Youth Development

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We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.