Grenada Records Three New Cases Of COVID-19

GIS – Today, Wednesday, November 18th, 2020, the Ministry of Health confirmed three new cases of COVID-19. This brings the total number of laboratory-diagnosed cases in Grenada to 36.

Thirty (30) of those cases have been medically cleared and only six are active.

Case 34 is a 62-year old male, who arrived in Grenada from the USA on American Airlines on November 14th. He was PCR tested as per protocols and remains in quarantine. Cases 35 and 36 are two males, ages 63 and 64. They arrived at the Carriacou Marina on November 12th from Martinique and have been quarantined on their yacht, with two others. They were tested on the 16th and found to be positive. The entire yacht remains in quarantine. While the people of the Sister Isles and mainland are urged to maintain caution in their daily activities and practices, there is no reason for public panic.

All six active cases, as well as the known contacts of Cases 31 and 32 are asymptomatic, and remain in quarantine, awaiting further testing and medical clearance.

The Ministry acknowledges all border agents and the frontline airport and health staff, who
continue to exercise due care and attention, to catch and stop COVID-19 at Grenada’s major ports
of entry or in quarantine facilities.

The Ministry emphasizes to the public the importance of collective responsibility in safeguarding
Grenada and each other from the virus. Throughout the reopening process, so far, the system has
shown that it can and does work, as long as individuals do their part and comply with the protocols
and mandates of the State.

The Ministry of Health, like every other frontline Ministry in this fight around the world, expects
that open borders will come with positive cases, given the proliferation of the virus around the
world, including some of Grenada’s major travel source markets. However, open borders do not
necessarily lead to an outbreak of the disease. As long as individual cases are identified,
immediately isolated and monitored, and as long as citizens and visitors comply with guidelines,
it is highly possible, and probable, to control transmission of the virus, and for cases to remain at
a manageable level.

The Ministry is encouraged by the lack of local or community spread that we have seen, despite
the breaches identified in the past. This has been achieved through aggressive contact tracing and

quarantining. We cannot, however, expect that Grenada will continue to be so fortunate, without
each citizen and visitor playing his or her part to prevent the proliferation of COVID-19.

As the State continues to balance health and safety with economic activity for the preservation and
restoration of livelihoods, the Ministry again reminds the public of the simple and straightforward
combination of measures that will keep Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique safe. Wash or
sanitize hands frequently and always maintain good hygiene; wear a mask or face covering over
the nose and mouth when in public spaces; maintain physical distancing of at least six feet between
yourself and others; seek medical care if you believe you have been exposed to the virus, or if you
are experiencing any symptoms of the virus, and obey the mandates for quarantine and isolation.

Together, let us continue to mount a formidable fight against COVID-19.

About adminrfm 3036 Articles
We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.