Roderick St Clair: Support Our Farmers And Fisherfolk This Holiday Season

A pre-Christmas message from Agriculture and Fisheries Senator Roderick St Clair.

Good food brings people together.

As we begin to contemplate family recipes to enjoy this month, this is a great time to recognise the dedication of Grenada’s hardworking farmers and fisherfolk, bringing food to our tables.

Whether you will be enjoying roast pork or baked chicken or stuffed fish, sweet potatoes or green beans, and ponche a crème, there’s more than one farmer or fisherfolk to thank for the food on your plate.

We are facing a crisis like never before with Covid-19. Times like these remind us all of the importance of ensuring our nation’s food security, and we are grateful that Grenada’s agriculture and fisheries sectors remain on call.

Support our farmers and fisherfolk this holiday season. Purchase locally grown vegetables, meats and seafood, and be assured of agriculture’s importance to our nation’s economy and to our quality of life.

Serving Farmers and Fisherfolks Towards a Sustainable and Better Life

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