Prime Minister Credits His Cabinet Colleagues For Making Managing The Country During The Pandemic Less Stressful

Prime Minister credits his Cabinet colleagues for making managing the country during the Pandemic less

Prime Minister, Dr. the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell, has credited his Cabinet colleagues for making management of the country during the COVID-19 pandemic, less stressful.

Responding to a question about his well-being, having to govern during the challenges of the pandemic, Dr. Mitchell said, the key is in the strength of the team.

The Prime Minister said, “If you try to be a one-man team, you will be swamped but if you have good team members, who are taking initiative, handling matters and providing the necessary support to communities and the country as a whole, it eases up some of the
pressure. Therefore, having a good team is the key factor.

The COVID-19 pandemic is not an easy thing to deal with, but I think because of that teamwork, it certainly feels easier.

My Cabinet colleagues are very competent, and when there are issues that require my attention, they do not hesitate to do so.”

Dr. Mitchell said it also helps that Government has or can source the financial resources that enable it to manage the pandemic, while continuing regular Government operations and meeting necessary expenditure.

He said, “I remember several times where Government wanted to do basic things, but it had no money; we had all the plans but no money.

This is the first period where, because we have managed the economy properly, the Government is able to engage in the
activities it wants to because the resources are available.”

The Prime Minister reiterated that Government’s prudent fiscal management makes it eligible for sources of funding that many other regional countries do not qualify for.

He said, “We have been able to acquire much more support and loans and grants from the international community than any other country in the Caribbean, simply because we have been able to manage ourselves.

When you do well for yourself, people are more likely to help you. In fact, very soon, we will be getting further support from the International Development Association (IDA), on highly concessional terms.”

Dr. Mitchell concluded his response saying a combination of the outlined factors have led to him feeling more secure and less stressed about governing the country during the global pandemic that has created unprecedented impacts in all countries.

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