GTUC Calls On Government To Come Clean

The Grenada Trades’ Union Council (GTUC) takes this opportunity to reach out to the workers and their families who are being affected by the recent spread of the Covid-19 virus associated with the “Sandals Cluster Spread” (SCS).

We note that as of yesterday, Sunday, 13 December 2020, over 25 people returned positive test results for Covid-19 from Sandals Cluster Spread. We note that included in the above amount is a family/household of about 13 from the rural area. We also note that the full extent of the possible spread is not yet known.

The GTUC is of the firm view that the Government and Sandals must take full responsibility for this reckless behaviour. It is not enough for the officials of the state to seek to shy away from their responsibility. It is high time that our officials be held accountable for any negative development(s) that could have been reasonable prevented. In listening to the press conference held on Sunday, 13 December 2020, it appears that the authorities were seeking to remove themselves from the responsibility to protect the people of Grenada and the workers in particular.

The GTUC calls upon the Government of Grenada to be open and honest with the nation. We demand to know whether Sandals was allowed to accept guests without the necessary tests and clearance being carried out? We need to know whether our workers were allowed to interact with those guests. The people of Grenada demand to know the full extent of the protocols under which Sandals was expected to function in this covidious period.

The GTUC, while recognising that we must find a balance between “Health and Economics” has always called for the health, safety and well-being of our people to be placed first. While recognising that there are challenges for Small Island Developing States such as Grenada, we have always expressed deep concerns and reservations about the manner and or conditions under which our borders should be re-opened.

The GTUC demands that no worker nor their dependents nor anyone impacted should suffer any loss as a result of this careless and callous development. No worker nor their dependents nor anyone impacted should suffer any loss of income. No worker nor their dependents nor anyone impacted should have to bear the cost of any medication nor the cost of transportation.

The GTUC demands that Sandals and the Government of Grenada take full responsibility and provide the necessary counselling that will be required.

The Grenada Trades’ Union Council is confident that had the workers at Sandals Grenada not being intimidated from joining a union of their choice as protected under the Grenada Constitution, then the union, on behalf of the workers, would have ensured that better and tighter protocols were put in place and followed.

The Grenada Trades’ Union Council calls upon the people of Grenada and workers to continue observing the recommended Covid-19 protocols as advised through the Ministry of Health.

We once again express deepest heartfelt gratitude to all our workers for continuing to go beyond the call of duty. We give our commitment to continue working with the Government of Grenada and all other stakeholders in this fight against this deadly disease Covid-19.

We in the Grenada Trades’ Union Council (GTUC) empathise with the workers at Sandals Grenada, their families and all others who have been affected by Covid-19!

The Grenada Trades’ Union Council calls upon the people of Grenada to stand in solidarity and show our love to those affected and impacted by Covid-19.


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We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.