St. George’s University Announces Distance Learning In April Term And Contines To Work Towards Safe Re-Entry To Campus

St. George’s University announced that it will continue to provide online distance learning for all students for the April 2021 term. While the goal is to eventually return all students to campus  as soon and as safely as possible, students in the School of Medicine, School of Veterinary  Medicine, and School of Graduate Studies will continue exclusively via online distance learning  throughout the spring. Students in the School of Arts and Sciences will continue to have access  to minimal in-person classes.

As vaccines have become available in some countries, there is renewed hope for a return to  normalcy on the horizon. However, the leadership of SGU remains concerned about the current  worsening status of the COVID-19 pandemic in many countries around the world and the  emergence of new, more infectious variants of the virus. SGU is evaluating the potential for  students to return to campus in Grenada in the summer, if a vaccination is widely available.

Although Grenada has few active COVID cases currently, many members of the SGU community  live in or travel through countries where the cases of COVID infection are poorly controlled or  where these new variants have led to increased infection rates. It is with this knowledge and out  of an abundance of caution for students, faculty, staff, and the people of Grenada that the  University has made the decision to continue limiting access to campus for now.

SGU will continue to collaborate with the Government of Grenada and provide updates on its  public health response to combat the spread of the virus. This collaboration will help inform  decisions and assist in determining when conditions allow for additional students to return to  campus.

SGU looks forward to reopening the campus as soon as it is safe to do so. The leadership of SGU  is hopeful that as the vaccine distribution takes on momentum, they can consider a safe return to  campus in the summer, and at least by the start of the August term. The next decision about  returning to campus will be made in May 2021.

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