Pure Grenada, Getting Tougher On Marine Waste

Pure Grenada, the Spice of the  Caribbean is taking important steps to further protect its marine environment for future  generations while creating opportunities for the sector. The tri-island nation is working with  the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) to develop a public private sector partnership  to reduce marine waste coming from pleasure vessels such as yachts.

The project dubbed ‘Integrating Water, Land and Ecosystem Management in the Caribbean  for Small Island Developing States’, will examine Grenada and Carriacou’s current capacity  and create research-based solutions to deal with waste in an eco-friendly manner.

Additionally, Grenada is set to implement a Marine Waste Management policy with  amendments to the existing legislation and the introduction of accompanying regulations.  This policy is aimed at setting up a management system for marine waste management,  including monitoring, funding, penalties and cost structures. Confident that this is a positive  action to manage Grenada’s fisheries sustainably, Permanent Secretary (Ag.) wrf Fisheries and  Co-operatives in the Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts, Fisheries & Co-operatives Mr.  Michael Stephen stated, “Grenada is an International Maritime Organization (IMO) member  and will comply with measures to improve the safety and security of international shipping  and to prevent marine pollution from ships.”

The Grenada Ports Authority (GPA) is the country’s focal point for international maritime  matters falling under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The  General Manager, Mr. Carlyle Felix, affirmed, “The Grenada Ports Authority reiterates its  support for the proposed policy and looks forward to a timely adoption of the IMO’s  Caribbean Small Commercial Vessels Code. We are convinced that its adoption will promote  cleaner seas, which is one of the pillars of an ocean based economy.”

Speaking of these important steps in marine waste management, Permanent Secretary in the  Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Climate Resilience and the Environment Ms. Desiree  Stephen says, “Grenada is a geo tourism destination in which the marine environment is significant to the livelihoods of many Grenadians, for fishing, diving, Tourism and recreation.  Taking these important steps now will ensure that future generations will be able to reap  economic and other benefits.”

To support these and other activities in the local yachting sector including destination  marketing is the newly formed Grenada Tourism Authority (GTA) Subcommittee on Yachting.  The members are Karen Stiell, representing the Marine and Yachting Association of Grenada  (MAYAG), Nicholas George representing Sportfishing, Charlotte Fairhead representing  Camper & Nicholson Port Louis Marina and GTA Nautical Development Manager Nikoyan  Roberts. The subcommittee is energized about further maximizing Grenada’s position as the  gateway to the Grenadines and a globally recognized responsible yachting destination.

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We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.