Ministry Of Agriculture:Meet The Farmer –  Elvis Paul

Since he was sixteen, he started farming; after almost 30 years of being a farmer,  Elvis  Paul has over eight (8) acres of land cultivated. Just as other farmers in the area where he farms, (Windsor, St. Andrew ) Paul cultivates root crops such as dasheen, sweet potatoes and tannia, along with  bananas, plantains, and cabbages, which he supplies to the Marketing and National Importing Board (MNIB) and local vendors.

While he plants a variety, he prefers planting dasheen and cabbages. “Dasheen is one of my favourite foods and cabbages are some of the easiest crops to harvest because you just have to cut and pack,” he explained.

Throughout his farming career he believes  the timely fertilisation of crops ,cleaning crops and proper irrigation were ideal practices that have contributed to his success today as a farmer. As a full-time farmer, he disclosed what a typical day is like for him. “Every day, my wife and I are here on the farm; we find something to do. If we’re not here we are on other portions of land working.”

Elvis identified money and labour as two of his major challenges.

“Sometimes farming is okay, but other times it might be challenging. Sometimes we do not get the market for the crops, other times,  we plant and there is a flood, because of the weather conditions and we are affected. Having money to also pay for labour is also one of our challenges.”

He also pays attention to the weather conditions, to plant the crops, as he disclosed that water  as one of his other challenges.

Irrespective of these challenges, Paul, a resident of Mirabeau, said he will continue in Agriculture and has plans to get into new types of crops in the next five to ten years. “I will like to go into ginger and  increase my production of cabbages.”

For persons wishing to become farmers, he encourages them to develop the proper mindset, as  this career comes with many challenges. “You can’t just think about the money, you have to have a bit of love for it,” he said.

Persons  wishing to purchase from Elvis Paul can contact him  by phone- 473-417-2093.

Things to note about Elvis Paul:

  • He has been farming since age 16.
  • He is a fulltime Root Crop Farmer.
  • He believes the timeliness of fertilisation, crop cleaning and irrigation can contribute to  increased crop production.

Recommended practices for the staking of yams:

  • In open areas, fully exposed to sunlight, yams have been successfully grown without staking. However, for easier weed control, staking is recommended.
  • Planting corn in the furrows provides the yam with live stakes over time. One corn stool can serve as the live stake for two yam plants.
  • In places where stakes are readily available, staking yams with poles about 7-8 feet tall is advised.


Planting Days: March

23rd  – 27th

A most barren period, best for killing plants pests or doing chores around the farm

28th  – 29th

Fine for sowing grains, hay, and forage crops. Plant flowers. Favourable days for planting root crops.

30th  – 31st

Start seedbeds. Good days for transplanting. Excellent time for planting root crops that can be planted now. Also good for leafy vegetables





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