New GASA Executive Elected At Recent AGM

The Grenada Amateur Swimming Association (GASA) held its Annual General Meeting on Saturday July 10, 2021 at the Grenada Olympic Committee Headquarters. Peron Johnson, outgoing President, presented the membership with a comprehensive President’s Report for the period 2019 – 2021. Diana Hopkin, Vice President of GASA, who has been acting in the post of Treasurer, presented GASA’s Financial Report. Following the reports, the meeting moved to the substantive agenda item of election of Officers to serve on the GASA Executive for the new term.

The conclusion of Saturday’s meeting saw the smooth transition following the election of a new GASA Executive charged to manage the organization’s affairs for the two-year term 2021 – 2023. Ms. Person Johnson, Outgoing President was not eligible for re-election as the constitution of the Association limits a president to serve two consecutive terms, she remains on the executive in the post of Immediate Past President. The longest serving GASA Executive member, Diana Hopkin, who has been serving the swimming fraternity for over 3 decades, presented her final report to the GASA membership and retired from active participation on the Executive. Mrs. Hopkin was recognized by the outgoing President for her longstanding and selfless service to the swimming fraternity in Grenada for some 30 plus years.

The newly elected GASA Executive team consists of four members who served on the previous Board. The following individuals comprise the full compliment of the new board:

Neil Francis – President
Gail Purcell – Vice President
Peron Johnson – Immediate Past President
Grace Clouden – Treasurer
Andrew Hopkin – Assistant Treasurer
Reyan Neckles – Secretary
Ruth Collymore – Ass. Secretary
Beverly Benoit – Public Relations Officer
Chad Hyson – Floor Member
Shawna Cuffie – Floor Member
Nigel Gresham – Floor Member

At the meeting two resolutions were accepted for adoption. The first was a resolution to Adopt Mrs. Diana Hopkin as an Honourary Member of the Board in recognition of her longstanding and dedicated service to swimming in Grenada. Additionally, a motion was tabled and accepted to amend the GASA constitution to remove the term limit of two consecutive terms for the role of President.

In accepting his role as the newly elected President of GASA, Neil Francis acknowledged the work of the outgoing team and looks forward to building on the foundation set by earlier executives.

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