Republic Bank Rewards CSEC And CPEA Top Performers

Republic Bank continues to reward academic excellence, by recognising the top Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA) performers, 2021.

Canaa Asia Gittens, formerly of St Joseph’s Convent St George’s, was rewarded with a RightSTART gift voucher valued at $1,000 for her exemplary performance at the CSEC exams. Ryan Marc Antonio Chow Chung also received a gift certificate for a RightSTART account valued at $500, for topping the CPEA exams.

Commenting on the initiative to reward the outstanding students, General Manager Operations Clifford Bailey said, “At Republic Bank, we view education as one of the engines for building successful, sustainable societies. Both Ryan and Canaa have done extremely well at the national level. They have demonstrated that they have within them the “power to make a positive difference” and it is only fitting that we recognise their achievements in a tangible way.”

Ryan is a former student of the Westmorland Junior School. His older brother, Christian Menezes Chow Chung was a recipient of the “Republic Bank Award for Overall Academic Excellence” at the T A Marryshow Community College Graduation exercise, 2020.

Canaa, a graduate of St Joseph’s Convent St George’s, obtained Grade I passes in all 17 subject areas. She hopes to pursue a career in Architectural Engineering and Construction Management.

We congratulate Canaa and Ryan on their outstanding accomplishments, and encourage them to continue to work hard in the pursuit of academic excellence.

Republic Bank

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