U.S. Donates Over 65,000 COVID-19 Pfizer Vaccines To Grenada

The United States congratulates Grenada on the successful delivery of 69,030 doses of the  Pfizer vaccine to fight COVID-19.

These Pfizer vaccine shipments are part of the United States Government’s donation of 1.2  billion safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines for the world through the COVID-19 Vaccine  Global Access (COVAX) initiative – to which the United States is the largest donor. U.S.  Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission David Schnier joined Minister of Agriculture Peter David at the Maurice Bishop International Airport to welcome the vaccines.

U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission Schnier noted the issue of vaccine hesitancy as a barrier to full  recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. He further explained, “This donation is a concrete  symbol of our friendship and our partnership because we are all in this together. The fact is,  too many Grenadians, both in Grenada and in the United States, have died from COVID-19.  Our cooperation today says that we choose science, facts, transparency, and saving lives.”

During a courtesy call between the Honorable Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell and U.S.  Deputy Chief of Mission David Schnier, the Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to the  U.S. Government for its support in the fight against COVID-19.

This donation builds on 24,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine delivered in April, and  29,250 doses of the Pfizer vaccine in August of this year. This week the United States delivered over 200,000 doses of Pfizer vaccines throughout the Eastern Caribbean via  COVAX.

The United States is committed to partnering with Grenada to end the COVID-19 pandemic,  mitigate its devastating social and economic impacts, and build back a better world.

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We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.