James Bond Nightfire Download | GameFabrique.James Bond 007 Nightfire

James bond nightfire pc download free.James Bond 007 NightFire

James Bond Nightfire. And after fighting almost to the death among ourselves in order to get a go, we can officially proclaim that it's looking every bit as good as we hoped it would. While we waited impatiently for our turn, we spoke to project director Landon Montgomery, and asked him a bit about the game's character.

But as an MI6 agent. Bond generally acts as a lone wolf sent in to single-handedly take care of those messy situations that would normally require an entire covert team. Anyone we'll recognise from the films?

Playing Nightfire proved to be an exhilarating experience, with many ways of approaching each level. During his go, Dave used stealth tactics aided by a pair of night vision sunglasses to negotiate his way round wandering patrol men, cunningly utilising a knock-out dart-firing fountain pen to silently immobilise his foes.

Hill on the other hand, piled in with a customary lack of caution, unloading countless clips into walls, the floor and other random pieces of scenery from his SG5 Commando Nightfire will feature over 20 weapons in james bond nightfire pc download freebefore being gunned down like a rabid dog. A more coordinated man would have succeeded. He was also keen to stress how the PC version will differ from its console counterparts.

Both versions console and PC are interpreting and executing the Nightfire storyline from two different angles and will offer people very different experiences. I think the PC version is most likely to appeal to fans of the FPS genre while the console versions are following in the footsteps of Agent Under Fire, and as such are incorporating driving missions into their mix.

Gearbox has one of the best records in the PC gaming james bond nightfire pc download free, and believe us, once Nightfire is finished, james bond nightfire pc download free looks like it's going to be one hell of a ride. Of course, the enduring misogynist has been in a james bond nightfire pc download free spot once or twice before.

What could possibly go wrong? And you notice something is slightly awry straight away. Bond films always grab your attention with a spectacular opening full of amazing set pieces and breathtaking stunts but, in a preview of things to come, Nightfire kicks off with you infiltrating a castle straight out of Wolfenstein, pressing some switches to unlock some doors and shooting some guards. It tries to make up for this by allowing several routes into the castle see the Walkthrough panel to see what they are thus trying to trick you into thinking this is some open-ended, Deus Ex-style open-ended shooter.

This taste of freedom, however, is both your first and your last. When james bond nightfire pc download free finally get into the castle proper you have to mingle in a high-society party and take some photographs of the women there with your hidden camera. Only you find the said party consists of a handful of people standing in a room looking at paintings and that, to take a proper picture of the classy women there, you have to stand in front of them like a bloody tourist.

But some of them simply go to waste. And even these hooks are few and far between. There's some guy called Drake - a rather poor goateed villain who disappointingly fails to stroke white cats or keep pools of piranha - and some computer virus called Nightfire. Or is it an evil missile attack plan?

Yes, I distinctly remember something about missiles. And an office tower. Oh, and some women in sexy lingerie. Or was that just the website I was looking at?

Actually, the lingerie provides the most Bondish moments in gameplay, since all the other things such as kissing beautiful women are saved for the cut-scenes. How it works is this. You have a pair of sunglasses that can be used to see in the dark or as x-rays to see through walls. And, in a classic Sean Connery-era sexist move, it james bond nightfire pc download free applies to women.

NOLF2 certainly would have. And, as our esteemed editor Dave Woods said in his NOLF2 review last month, even adored titles like Medal Of Honor are starting to bore us with their unending streams of levels crammed with bodies to shoot down.

When you've experienced the depth, freedom james bond nightfire pc download free originality of Deus Ex, it can be quite hard to go back to hacking down corridors like a frenzied automaton. However, if this is the type of action you like, you'll find that Nightfire's frenetic pace is up there with the best of them. There's certainly more variation and entertainment here than in, say, Return To Castle Wolfenstein, and the more trigger-happy among you will be in your element.

You james bond nightfire pc download free get the occasional moment of stealth, when getting seen or killing a civilian guard spells james bond nightfire pc download free end of the level. Early in the game the difficulty level is set low by letting you take a stupid amount of bullets before dying.

Needless to say, later in the game these segments disappear rather quickly. It can be annoying at times, but at least it stops you from just rushing into rooms spraying bullets. Instead, you need to peek round corners, taking them out from a covered position and then waiting for the braver elements to come and get you.

Going back to the health - it makes a pleasant change to have no ridiculous kits or potions miraculously healing mortal wounds.

The only thing available is armour. Although most of the game is mindless massacring, you do get some variety in the form of spacesuit levels in low gravity and the occasional third-person action, such as climbing up a building or swinging on a cable. There are james bond nightfire pc download free couple of tense set pieces too, like getting stuck on a skyscraper's outside lift, with rockets and bullets coming at you from all sides.

And then the elevator begins to slide down. These breaks in the gameplay are all too rare though, and at times, things can get rather repetitive. There are even some infuriating end-of-level bosses that again make you feel you've seen this all before. Tough helicopters anyone? At least you do get to fight some cool ninjas, who somersault and flashbang their way around you with dazzling speed. But they, like several other good things in Nightfire, aren't nearly as plentiful as they could have been.

The fact that Nightfire is also being released on consoles is no excuse for its james bond nightfire pc download free and lack of depth. Both Half-Life and Deus Ex have been released on console.

I rest my case. The truth is that Nightfire feels slightly under par when compared to what it could have been. Is that too much to ask? You get the feeling there were some ambitious plans for this, more gadgets, set pieces and interaction with other characters and more humorous quips but they had to be shelved in order to get this out in time for Christmas. One where you get to fire a machine gun while skiing down a mountain james bond nightfire pc download free and diving among sharks.

One where you get to sit in a casino and play cards or roulette. One with freedom and depth. Where you actually felt like James Bond and not some trigger-happy oaf. When you're a kid you want to be Luke Skywalker. When you grow up you want to be James Bond. And it's easy to see why. Despite being forever associated with cold turkey, cheap tinsel and crap cracker jokes as the entire series is shown every damn Christmas.

Bond is what every man wants to be: cool, well-dressed. He might not have a lightsabre, but that's about the only gadget he doesn't get to play with.

In fact, five years ago, GoldenEye was the toast of the console industry, wowing everyone on the N64 with FPS action that by rights should have been on the PC too. Still, it's no use complaining about the past, especially now that we have NightFire to look forward to. And look forward to it you should, because it's being developed by none other than Gearbox, the makers of the wonderful Opposing Force add-on for Half-Life and the upcoming mouth-watering prospect that is Counter-Strike: Condition Zero.

What's more, close links with Valve Software mean that the pedigree behind the title is second-to-none. And being Half-Life freaks we couldn't help asking just how much like it NightFire will be. But, James Bond has a lot more resources at his disposal and as a result, the gadgetry in NightFire is unprecedented. Also, in classic narrative style, Bond will go all over the world to exotic locales and meet exotic women in exotic situations. I like to think of this game as james bond nightfire pc download free ultimate Bond story that could never be made into a movie.

With all of the sets, special effects and specialised equipment this game has, a movie version would cost a billion dollars to produce. That doesn't hide the fact that this will be Gearbox's first full game from scratch, but Landon isn't worried. This is James Bond for the new millennium, so don't expect to play a s hairy-chested chauvinist who likes to slap his women about. Although Michael Condrey assures us they're aiming to capture the essence of Bond, no one wants to play a pigheaded harasser Instead.

NightFire will concentrate on the cool and smooth action hero wl believe Bond is probably the most recognised superhero in the world. Our Bond will deliver just that" That doesn't mean 's amorous nature has been put aside, though. As well as the stealth, the shooting, the puzzle-solving and the gadgets, you'll still have to keep the ladies happy. How this will be incorporated into the gameplay dirty cut-scenes or save-the-girl missions isn't quite clear.

But we're definitely in a full-blown Bond adventure here. It's not too hard to cook up the main ingredients of a James Bond plot world domination, exotic scenery, a beautiful evil woman, a beautiful good woman and so on but it's how it all comes together to create a thrilling visual spectacle that matters. And NightFire is shaping up very nicely indeed. Rather than taking some of the scenes and locations from an upcoming film - as so many lazy adaptations have done before - Gearbox is working on a totally original story, with plenty of intrigue and locations all over the world.

You want more details? Well Michael's got plenty of 'em. And it's good to see that stealth is playing a big part in the game too - peeking round corners, slipping past guards and using gadgets every step of the way is encouraged as is the gung-ho approach. But NightFire offers enough freedom to ensure you can complete missions either way. At least to a certain point. Take the stealth route, find the hidden passage, utilise a new gadget, run and gun straight through Players will have the freedom and opportunity to customise their paths in many different and unique ways throughout NightFire.

To maximise their score, they will need to find the best balance of all their Bond skills. This being an FPS the question inevitably arises about the graphics and visual feel of the game.

James bond nightfire pc download free.James Bond Nightfire Download | GameFabrique

NightFire will concentrate on the cool and smooth action hero wl believe Bond is probably the most recognised superhero in the world. Our Bond will deliver just that" That doesn't mean 's amorous nature has been put aside, though. As well as the stealth, the shooting, the puzzle-solving and the gadgets, you'll still have to keep the ladies happy.

How this will be incorporated into the gameplay dirty cut-scenes or save-the-girl missions isn't quite clear. But we're definitely in a full-blown Bond adventure here. It's not too hard to cook up the main ingredients of a James Bond plot world domination, exotic scenery, a beautiful evil woman, a beautiful good woman and so on but it's how it all comes together to create a thrilling visual spectacle that matters.

And NightFire is shaping up very nicely indeed. Rather than taking some of the scenes and locations from an upcoming film - as so many lazy adaptations have done before - Gearbox is working on a totally original story, with plenty of intrigue and locations all over the world.

You want more details? Well Michael's got plenty of 'em. And it's good to see that stealth is playing a big part in the game too - peeking round corners, slipping past guards and using gadgets every step of the way is encouraged as is the gung-ho approach.

But NightFire offers enough freedom to ensure you can complete missions either way. At least to a certain point. Take the stealth route, find the hidden passage, utilise a new gadget, run and gun straight through Players will have the freedom and opportunity to customise their paths in many different and unique ways throughout NightFire.

To maximise their score, they will need to find the best balance of all their Bond skills. This being an FPS the question inevitably arises about the graphics and visual feel of the game. While nearly every big game scheduled for the next two years is using the new Unreal technology, thereby guaranteeing seemingly endless permutations of amazing graphics, NightFire makes a bold move by using an all-new engine developed especially for this title.

The game will take full advantage of the latest hardware from the leading vendors". You can judge for yourself from the screenshots what the general look of it will be, but Michael adds that the levels themselves are going to be pretty impressive.

That's the direction for NightFire. But really, it's not the size of the levels, but the depth and breadth of the gameplay you can experience, that really matters, right?

The Austrian castle looms above you. You must make your way past the perimeter guards and penetrate the outer walls, then through a series of courtyards inside the keep to get into the living quarters.

Drake is hosting a formal party inside and guests and security are present throughout. Your main goal of the level is to infiltrate the castle, blend in with the party guests, retrieve a stolen data chip, rescue Zoe and escape. You have to overpower the guards transporting the chip, assist Zoe, and then escape in the castle gondola. But your escape is cut short when If it plays like it sounds, we're in for a riot.

Another visual element has been borrowed from that great stealth shooter Project IGI. The game is still in development, which allows us to play around with the cameras to find the right balance of both.

It certainly sounds like Gearbox is leaving nothing out. But what about possibly the most important thing in a first-person shooter? As far as I'm concerned, Half-Life still offers the best example of enemy Al in any game, especially the soldiers and the black ops. This is even truer in Opposing Force. Gearbox's expansion pack, where the intelligence of your human enemies reaches a peak in computer games.

And, rest assured, this is an area that'll shine. In NightFire, you can just take for granted all of the Al behaviours you've seen in games such as Half-Life, but they'll be taken much further. And don't be put off by the fact that it's also being developed for consoles. Following EA's successful approach to the Harry Potter games, each version of NightFire will be well suited to its platform. So, while the console releases will feature driving levels designed by the people who do the Need For Speed titles, Gearbox is concentrating on delivering a proper PC shooter they're not really involved in the console versions and adding the kind of multiplayer PC gamers want.

NightFire has it all. No One Lives Forever might have tried to do an with their use of gadgets, but NightFire will leave it well behind. With MI6's Q-lab providing all sorts of new toys, you'll never have a dull moment in the whole game. There will even be briefings from the Q boys about how each one works, though we doubt John Cleese will be available to clown around.

Among the gadgets you'll get to play with are a multipurpose wrist watch, a pair of Q-Vision enhancement glasses X-ray, Light Amplification, Infra-red , a lighter concealed Q-camera, a PDA data-hacker, a cartridge fired pen dart and a car key that conceals a stun gun. And, of course, you'll have a full arsenal of weapons too, including sniper rifles, full automatic assault rifles, high damage rocket and grenade launchers, specially disguised ambush weapons such as the Sentry Suitcase Turret and remote activated Q-bombs.

If nothing else, it makes a refreshing change from all that "very realistic weapons" rubbish we get every other day.

It wouldn't be a proper PC shooter if it wasn't going to do the business online, and NightFire's multiplayer is being taken very seriously indeed. You'll find all the usual modes, such as Elimination, Capture the Briefcase and King of the Hill, plus fully customisable weapons and "an innovative system of modifiers and base modes for hundreds of different multiplayer experiences", whatever the hell that means.

We're hoping multiplayer games will feature as much stealth and gadget-use as the single-player game, and not become just a standard slaughterhouse that just happens to feature the skins of many familiar characters. The only problem, of course, is that everyone will want to be Pussy Galore. Well, I know I will. The most unforgivable thing about playing Nightfire online, is that because Gearbox apparently wrote the engine for the game, the multiplayer experience could, in theory, have taken any form it liked.

Things that live up to Bond's reputation. Instead, much like the singleplayer game, Gearbox and EA have failed to realise the essence of all things Bond and have presented us with basic deathmatch and capture the flag sessions with Bond-style skins.

It simply won't do. Aside from the fact that technologically your latest Unreals and Quakes are better at that particular job, there's just nothing about Nightfire online that appeals to the Bond fan. The lack of thought is evident the first time you see an ancient 'Q' bombing about with the same speed as a US Marine. Even the inclusion of gadgets is pointless, as the fast-paced nature of deathmatch means you never have any time to use them. These are Things That Matter.

From a zero-gravity space station to deep beneath the South Pacific, NightFire runs the gamut in its 10 levels.

Similar to Agent Under Fire, clever spy gadgets, stealth sniping and car chases are the cornerstones of this Bond experience. The story and most characters are original, but Zoe Nightshade and a few others from Agent are back once again. In addition, Eurocom the game's developer has taken pains to make the animation --particularly the stealthy movements--more lifelike and believable.

Scope the scantily clad temptresses, dry martinis, car chases and ingenious spy gadgetry--James Bond is back. EA follows up the success of last year's Agent Under Fire with an all-new adventure to coincide with the launch of the latest flick, Die Another Day.

The simultaneous releases aren't directly related, though, as NightFire is a completely new production, not a movie tie-in. Even though NightFire's not based on a movie, the stylin' production values of the blockbusters remain intact. For example, the game opens with a breakneck shooting level in which you're sniping cars from a helicopter.

Just like in the films, that over-the-top action scene segues into a traditional credits sequence, complete with sultry, undulating vixens and that unforgettable Bond music. After that, the pace never lets up as Bond explores over 10 exotic locales to uncover the diabolical plans of master-mind Rafael Drake. You'll soon discover that international intrigue involves more than just first-person shooting. Missions run the gamut between shooting, stealth, driving, flying and underwater combat.

Unlike in some games cough Dead to Rights , these additional gameplay modes aren't mere afterthoughts--they're packed with depth. The GoldenEye-inspired shooter levels remain the central gameplay draw, but how you tackle these stages is largely up to you.

Of course, a Bond game just wouldn't be the same without a stellar multiplayer experience. NightFire's unfriendly firefights offer a ton of options, memorable characters and locations ripped from classic Bond films.

It's a fast, solid good time that should keep you and your buds glued to the couch for days. While there wasn't time to include online play, Wade hints that Bond's next outing probably in might make that jump. Browse games Game Portals. Install Game. Click the "Install Game" button to initiate the file download and get compact download launcher.

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    James Bond Nightfire. And after fighting (almost to the death) among ourselves in order to get a go, we can officially proclaim that it's looking every bit as good as we hoped it would. While we waited impatiently for our turn, we spoke to project director Landon Montgomery, and asked him a bit about the game's character/10(18).

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    james bond nightfire pc download ocean of games. Download and play Nightfire for the PC in ! Our updated version of the game has working multiplayer and players every day! Nightfire was developed by Eurocom for the GameCube, PlayStation 2, and Xbox video game consoles, while Gearbox Software developed the game for.

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