BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, CMC – The Barbados-based Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) says it will be releasing the results of its 2018 on Friday in Grenada.
In a statement, CXC, said that the ceremony to official announce the performance of candidates in the various examinations will take place at the St George’s University Campus with Education Minister Emmalin Pierre, delivering the feature address at the event.
The ceremony will also be addressed by the CXC Registrar Glenroy Cumberbatch.
The 2018 report on candidates’ performance will be presented by Alton McPherson, Senior Manager (Ag), Examinations Development and Production Division, while Rodney Payne, Senior Manager, Examinations Administration and Security Division will make a presentation on examinations administration issues.
Cumberbatch said the official release of results is one way CXC demonstrates its responsibility and accountability to the region. He said that following the presentation of the results, there will be a question and answer segment for education stakeholders.