The Government of Grenada will be auctioning EC$ 15 million 91-Day Treasury bill on the Regional Government Securities Market (RGSM) to be traded on the Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange (ECSE).
The auction will take place on Friday 7th September 2018 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon. The trading symbol of the Treasury bill is GDB101218 and the maximum coupon rate is 4%. This will be a reissue of the 91-Day Treasury bill with trading symbol GDB060918 which was issued on June 7, 2018. A competitive uniform price auction will be used for this and all issues on the RGSM.
Investors desirous of participating in the auction are required to do so through the services of licensed brokers who are members of the ECSE. A list of these brokers and their contact information is available on the ECSE websitehttp://www.ecseonline.com/contact_details.php
For more information about the issue please contact the Debt Management Unit of The Ministry of Finance, Planning, Economic, and Physical Development at telephone numbers 473-440-7005 or 473-435-8915 or email debtunit@dmu.gov.gd. Further details about this issue as well as the 2018 issuance calendar are available athttp://www.ecseonline.com/cal_issues.php andhttp://finance.gd/docs/GovernmentofGrenadaProspectus2018.pdf.