Tourism Minister Curwen On The Occasion Of Tourism Awareness Month

It is with pleasure that I address you on the occasion of the start of Tourism Awareness Month. The theme chosen for this year is simple, “Keep Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique Pure.” The theme draws attention to our brand, Pure Grenada, the Spice of the Caribbean and reminds us about our role as keepers of our countries physical beauty. No longer can we indiscriminately dispose of our litter and depend on someone else to clean it up. If you truly love your country, you must keep it clean and encourage others to do so.

The theme in its call to action reminds us of a number of other important elements of our tourism industry. First, let us focus on the future of tourism in our country. It is our children that will become the future Tour Operators, Hotel Managers, Restaurant Owners, Taxi Drivers, Tour Guides and Ministers of Tourism. The Ministry of Tourism along with the Grenada Tourism Authority launched a Tourism Awareness Campaign in November 2017. One of the components of the programme was the distribution of the ‘Tourism and Me Booklet” in primary schools. The booklet is designed to educate 8 to 12 year olds about the important tourism sector with topics such as: What is Tourism?, Who is a Tourist,? the Tourism Product, Careers in Tourism and the importance of Sustainable Tourism.

Many schools are either on the way to completing or have completed the booklet and we look forward to the students making the Tourism pledge to become ambassadors for Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique and receiving a special pin to reward their work. This activity is countrywide and a key focus for us in November 2018.

Additionally, the Caribbean Tourism Organisation of which we are a member is focused in 2018 on its wellness and rejuvenation offerings and how best to promote this sector. In Pure Grenada, the healing attributes of our spices are well known along with the health benefits of our organic chocolate. We blend these elements to create top quality rejuvenation experiences against the backdrop of stunning scenery, turquoise waters and fresh clean air. We will work together to maximize the opportunities that this multi-million dollar sector has to offer.

The benefits of the tourism industry to our nation is well documented. The sector provides jobs, foreign exchange and sustainable livelihoods for thousands of Grenadians and will continue to do so into the future. It is up to you and I to ensure that these benefits remain for future generations.

As we celebrate, Tourism Awareness Month, I encourage you to share positive things about your country using the hashtag #PureGrenada on social media. Make your own pledge today to become an ambassador for Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. Dispose of your litter properly and perform a kind act for a visitor or your fellow citizen. You are tourism. We are tourism. Tourism is everybody’s business.

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We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.