Prime Minister – Will Call It Quits With CCJ Bill, Promised He Will No Longer Pursue Bill

Grenadians on Tuesday 6th November rejected the move to have the island’s Final Court be the Caribbean Court of Justice. This is the second occasion, that Grenadians rejected the Caribbean Court of Justice as their final Court ( to Replace the London Based Privy Council), following their previous attempt in 2016.

Low voter turnout, and a general misunderstanding of the Bill were maybe two reasons why the “No” vote secured 12,133 as compared to 9,846.

Supervisor of Election Alex Phillip says the process was rather smooth , except for the occurrence, where one person was not allowed to dip his finger in the ink, due to an infection.

Is the 2/3 majority, mandated for the passage of the bill too much ?

Political scientist Peter Wickham , expressed his worry over this case.

According to Wickham ,” Sooner or later Regional Countries will have to accept the CCJ. We have not had a successful referendum on this bill , anywhere in the region. Look at Nevis’s Independent referendum, it did not gain the 2/3 majority;Same with the case for St.Vincent . It just seems that though this bill and referenda, in a more General sense have not been succeeding in the Caribbean.”

Furthering his comments Wickham, identified that , “It appears that the likely hood of success in terms of a referendum , is usually more where the Bar is set to half.That would have been the case with the Nevis Referendum , which actually the 2% would have succeeded , having not been the fact that the bar was set for 66.6%. The Jamaica Federal one Similarly it succeeded, because the bar was only half . In this instance when you set the bar at 66.6% its Difficult to achieve.The problem is that this is the law,this is the constitution, this is what we have to live with.”

Following the release of the results on Tuesday night, Prime Minister Dr.Keith Mitchell,told State Media that he was disappointed , that Grenadians rejected the Move. While Justifying reasons for the Yes Vote, Mitchell admitted that , ” I will not initiate another attempt at this issue as Prime Minister of the Country.I hold very dearly to this particular position.”

He furthered ,” I do not want to be a factor in something not getting there , the desired results. My children and Grand Children’s futures are at stake. If I am the problem for some people , I would not be one to interfere with it.”

. Both Grenada and Antigua and Barbuda voted against the move to have the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) as their highest appellate court in separate referenda held on the Same day.

Via a Press Release, Wednesday , President of the CCJ, the Hon. Mr. Justice Adrian Saunders said, “while the news is not what we hoped for, we respect the people of both nations and their decision. The court will naturally continue ongoing initiatives with justice sector bodies in each of these countries, and the wider Caribbean, through the JURIST project and otherwise.”

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We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.