Cro Cro under fire for ‘N’ word in new song

CALYPSONIAN Cro Cro (Weston Rawlins)

(TRINIDAD EXPRESS) – CALYPSONIAN Cro Cro (Weston Rawlins) is being slammed on social media for a new song he penned following an incident last month.

Cro Cro was suspended from his job at the Community-based Environmental Protection and Enhancement Programme (CEPEP) last month after a video was posted to social media showing him cursing and hurling obscenities at another motorist.

Cro Cro, who is the CEPEP regional co-ordinator for San Fernando to Point Fortin, was at the time driving a CEPEP vehicle.

In the clip, the other driver could be heard telling Rawlins to get off the phone as talking on a cellphone while driving is against the law.

Cro Cro responded by asking the other driver if he was the police, along with obscene language.

The calypsonian later said he was provoked to anger after being called a racial slur by the other driver.

Cro Cro has been suspended, with pay, pending an investigation.

The calypsonian had said he would be composing a song on the issue and he made good on his word.

Yesterday, clips of Cro Cro per­forming the song at a calypso tent circulated on social media.

In it, he sings using the “N” word as part of the chorus.

Cro Cro sings: “He call me a stupid n—–, he raise my pressure. He call me a stupid n—–, and he rise my anger. He call me a stupid n—– and he drive off fast…ah wind down glass and buss ah cuss in he a–.”

While some members of the audience seemed to enjoy the song, Cro Cro came in for further criticism on social media yesterday for his use of the racial slur in the song.

“That word is derogatory. Why is he being allowed to sing that on stage?” one person questioned.

“This song is racist,” complained another.

Others came to his defence, arguing it was simply social commentary and “picong”. Efforts to contact Cro Cro by telephone and text message yesterday were unsuccessful.

CEPEP chairman Ashton Ford also could not be reached for comment

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