Over 60 Bags Of Litter Collected At True Blue Community Cleanup

Over 60 bags of litter collected at the True Blue community cleanup

The True Blue Bay Boutique Resort Green Team organised a community clean-up on Saturday, 30 March 2019 in honour of Earth Hour, a worldwide initiative to promote environmental conservation.

Twenty individuals including the True Blue Bay Boutique Resort staff and management, Aquanauts Dive Shop staff and management, local volunteers and St George’s University (SGU) students cleaned the neighbourhood of True Blue between the junction that leads to SGU and the True Blue beach.

True Blue Clean up

The group collected over 60 bags of garbage. Volunteers reported that the most common items found in the environment were single-use plastic bags, single-use plastic cups and plastic bottles. It was interesting to note that very little Styrofoam was found. Grenada passed the Non-Biodegradable Waste Control Act in September 2018 which banned the further importation of Styrofoam. Restaurants in True Blue have taken the lead in implementing the use of environmentally friendly takeaway containers. True Blue Bay Boutique Resort was among the first on the island to implement a zero-tolerance for Styrofoam policy on their property. The community cleanup ended with a complimentary Grenadian breakfast sponsored by Dodgy Dock, which volunteers enjoyed at the True Blue beach. If you are interested in taking part in future community cleanups stay tuned to the True Blue Bay Boutique Resort and Dodgy Dock social media channels.

True Blue Bay Boutique Resort

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We, at Real fm are dedicated to change the recreation activities in the island Grenada. Our vision is to become widely known and respected as one of the best places to relax and have fun anywhere.