Government Takes Steps To Improve Efficiency In Project Implementation

The Government of Grenada is taking steps to improve the efficiency with which projects are implemented across government.

The Department of Public Administration (DPA), a department within the Prime Minister’s Ministry is spearheading the effort, which seeks to establish a robust institutional arrangement that creates synergies and leverages available resources to improve government’s project implementation rate.

The department, in collaboration with the Ministries of Finance, Infrastructure Development and Implementation and ICT recently hosted a World Bank mission which focused specifically on streamlining project management operations for the whole of government.

Representatives of the World Bank team met with Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Dr the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell during their visit.

Dr Mitchell said, “Many projects have cross-cutting functions, therefore working in silos does not help. Departments must communicate with each other so that we avoid duplication of efforts. We can create greater efficiency by streamlining project implementation activities and we will also be better positioned to capitalise on funding opportunities.”

Dr Mitchell is confident that the new approach will also lead to greater levels of accountability.

The Prime Minister welcomed the offer of technical support from the World Bank and encouraged the Department of Public Administration to assess what the capacity needs are and work towards bridging those competency gaps so as to sustain this move.

Office of the Prime Minister

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