St. Peters RC School, Gouyave, the centre of learning for a total of 305 students has commenced a new project with a simultaneous aim of feeding and teaching students.

According to principal, Ian George, “Seeking to improve health of the children is a matter of primary concern to the school; and based upon this, an initiative was undertaken to start a garden. The plan is to grow local fruits and vegetables for the children, based upon the catchy slogan; ‘Eat what you grow, grow what you eat.’”
The project will also allow for numerous teaching opportunities, from basic nutrition and biology to simple economics; and experiencing the satisfaction that comes seeing things grow and produced from one’s own efforts
The success of the project, however, relies on the school’s ability to irrigate the garden and store water for the plants, and on this premise Jonas Browne & Hubbard (G’da) Ltd. were successfully approached for assistance.
April 4th, 2019, Mr. Wayne James, Manager of Hubbard’s Building Supplies, Grand Anse, visited the school to present a 400 gallon water tank, which the Company agreed to donate following receipt of the request from the principal. “Upon receiving the letter, we were captured by the slogan the school has adopted and such a positive move by the teachers to make this happen in a very real way. Our schools are where the future of the country lies. Healthy children mean healthy adults prepared to enter the work force. We wish Mr. George and the school every success with their noteworthy project,” he said.