Government Ministries Focus On Agri-Sector Development On the Sister-Isles

Beausejour, Carriacou- Officials from Ministry of Agriculture, Lands and Forestry held a series of meetings with the Agriculture Division within the Ministry of Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs and Local Government and paid visit to various famers in Carriacou.

The April 25th – 26th visit was geared towards forging a better working relationship with the Agricultural Division and Farmers in Carriacou in an effort of developing the Agri-Sector on the island.

Minister of Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs, Hon. Kindra Maturine-Stewart, said that with the important role Agriculture plays in Grenada’s economy, the Government continues to invest heavily in the area and is prepared to do what’s necessary to improve the sector.

She stated that one such move by the Government was to reconsider its decision to commercialize the Limlair Livestock Station and has recently decided to invest heavily in its revitalization instead.

Minister of Agriculture, Lands and Forestry, Hon. Yolande Bain-Horsford said that with the coming on stream of the World Bank Funded US $4 million Agriculture Competitiveness Project which seeks to support clusters in the Agri-Sector, Carriacou and Petite Martinique should not miss out on the opportunity.

Minister Horsford added that with a closer relationship being established, farmers of Carriacou and Petite Martinique will benefit tremendously in the holistic development of Grenada’s Agri-Sector.

Ministry of Carriacou & Petite Martinique Affairs

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