The 1261 Grenadian Film Festival Caribbean Female Filmmakers Program

by Dolores Diaz

12°N61°W GRENADIAN FILM FESTIVAL (1261GFF), announces its program for the most inclusive film festival in Grenada, one of the most anticipated events of the year!

The inaugural annual event kicks off on Friday, May 3rd with the Caribbean Female Filmmakers Program at Lavo Lanes, Calliste. These talented female filmmakers represent Grenada, Curacao, Trinidad, Jamaica, and Haiti.

No Goodbyes is a historical drama film by Elizabeth Francisco that takes us on a reflective journey about actual events on the morning of November 6th of 1967 in Curacao, through old memorabilia belonging to the protagonist. Shari Petti’s, Sorf Hair explores the natural hair experience in Trinidad and Tobago as several people from different walks of life unearth their experiences going “natural.”

Based on the novel, The Bed Head, Unspoken by Danea Grandison brings the conversation of #MeToo to the backyard of her hometown of Kingston, Jamaica. New Jersey-born filmmaker, Nadhege Ptah’s examines the grim challenges of domestic immigrant workers in America.  In Dodo Titi , the sense of belonging is questioned as a nanny goes to battle the beloved family dog for attention and love of the family.

In Crystal, Grenada’s own Meschida Philip explores the human trafficking in the Caribbean.

This year’s festival theme, “Beyond Boundaries” focuses on cultural and societal impact stories, with diverse voices and perspectives. “As a black Grenadian-American female filmmaker, I am honored to provide this platform for my fellow Grenadian creatives and diverse filmmakers from around the world who are investing so much to not only to document current issues affecting our black communities, but preserving black history and culture which is invaluable now — and will be for the coming years and decades,” said 1261GFF Director Meschida Philip. “Once again, we’re excited to present work by established and emerging filmmakers who are telling important stories about our blackness and culture.”

The other half of our festival will include industry focused workshops, featuring international producers and facilitators from around the Caribbean region and North America. There are also special events and programs for everyone, including special screenings for children, talks and an after-party.

Tickets for events are available for purchase online at  Individual children’s tickets will be $13.00 EC, General admission tickets will be $25 EC, film passes are available for advanced purchase now, with student/group discounts available.

Please visit  for the full list of workshops, film schedules and details.

Feel free to peruse our corporate support on our Sponsors Page attachment.

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