The growing issue of non-compliance and bad practices were 2 of the main issues discussed when the Inland Revenue Division (IRD), Customs and the Royal Grenada Police Force (RGPF) met with motor vehicle dealers recently.
The dealers were reminded that these practices are having a negative effect on the country’s resources, which would require the authorities to enforce the various legislations to prevent these practices from continuing.
The violation of the General Dealers Licence in accordance with Section 22 to 28 Cap 5 of the Road Traffic Act, fraudulent insurance documents, non-compliance with respect to payment of the annual $10,000 Motor Vehicle Dealers Licence and appropriate Bond Warehouse Licence are among some of the infringements carried out by motor vehicle dealers.
The authorities indicated that the ill-practices are being closely monitored, and appealed to the dealers to give their fullest co-operation to avoid legal actions going forward.
The dealers expressed their concerns about the difficulty of doing business with the government agencies and also made some requests in this regard.
A follow-up meeting is planned to formalise strategies and procedures necessary for the improvement of the sector.
Inland Revenue Division