Tax Obligation For Carnival

The Inland Revenue Division (IRD) wishes to advise the general public that in keeping with the provisions of the Value Added Tax Act 2009, the sale of “Fancy Mas” carnival costumes will attract a 15 percent VAT as of the 2020 tax period.

This was agreed to after a recent consultation held with “Fancy Mas Bandleaders”.

However, as it relates to Monday Night Mas packages, please be reminded that the sale of each package will attract the 15 percent Value Added Tax (VAT) as per normal.

All Mas Bandleaders who are not yet registered with the IRD are encouraged to register with the Division for tax purposes by July 1st, 2019.

Band­lead­ers who have formed a com­pa­ny or al­ter­nate­ly op­er­ate in their own name (Sole Trader), please note the following for:

·         A Company structure: the requirement would be to file and pay Cor­po­ra­tion Income Tax  along with other applicable taxes.

·         A Sole Trader structure: the requirement would be to file and pay Personal In­come Tax, along with other applicable taxes.

The public is also informed that in accordance with the provisions of the VAT Act, prices quoted by promoters on tickets for all public entertainment events should be VAT INCLUSIVE.


Inland Revenue Division

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