Whether it was “Motown Christmas” in 2016, “Classics to Contemporary” (2017) or “Pops to Parang” (2018), everyone has their favourite concert year at Rotary’s Carols by Candlelight.
This year’s edition will no doubt earn its favourites as Rotary, in conjunction with Netherlands Insurance, presents the “Youth at Yuletide” concert at the coveted family season event.
Act one in highly-anticipated concert at Carols by Candlelight will unfold the story of Christmas in song and word. Arranged by national church leader, Rt Rev. Dr R Osbert James, the story is made up from accounts of the Books of Luke and Isaiah, interwoven with song and music relating to those verses.
Produced and directed by award-winning Richardo Keens-Douglas, the first half will feature a few young singers from among Val Daniel’s voice students who will appear alongside their more senior counterparts, accompanied by the Carols by Candlelight Band and Spice Isle Strings ensemble.

The story of Christmas will be narrated by two of Grenada’s best storytellers: Allan Bierzynski, a retired corporate executive who spends his time studying history and giving weekly media commentary on current events, local and regional, along with Neila Etienne, an actor, children’s book author, director, educator and young playwright. She is currently director of theatre arts at Presentation Brothers College.
Netherlands Insurance