Local News

Special Meeting Of The Council For Trade And Economic Development

Caribbean Community (Caricom) Ministers with responsibility for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have agreed to collectively approach the region’s telecommunications providers to eliminate roaming charges throughout the community. This is one of the priorities which […]


MoAL builds capacity in Monitoring and Surveillance for two insect pests of Quarantine Importance

Ministry of Agriculture & Lands –  In an effort to maintain Grenada’s export viability in Soursop, emphasis on surveillance methods for two insect pests – lethal to Grenada’s soursop industry – has been emphasized by […]


Caribbean Biodiversity Fund Approves US$12 Million For Ecosystem-Based Adaptation To Climate Change In 10 Caribbean Countries

Caribbean Biodiversity Fund, November 5, 2019 – The Caribbean Biodiversity Fund (CBF) congratulates 11 organizations for their successful funding applications made under the CBF Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Facility’s 1st Call for Proposals. Grants totalling US$12 […]


Photography As Art — A Refreshing View

The Waving Art Gallery at Maurice Bishop International Airport (MBIA) has had the privilege of displaying a very appropriate selection of art for the past 6 weeks. During the time of the 35th Anniversary of […]


MSC Meraviglia Largest Cruise Ship To Visit Grenada

On Monday, 4 November 2019 Pure Grenada, the Spice of the Caribbean welcomed its first inaugural cruise ship visit from the MSC Cruises Meraviglia. A delegation including representatives from the Grenada Tourism Authority, Ministry of Tourism and […]