Gov’t Confident That Expenditure Review Will Help Save Millions

Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Dr. the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell is confident that the Expenditure Review, now underway, will help save Government millions of dollars.

The intention to undertake this review was first announced at the 2020 Budget Retreat and reiterated in the 2020 Budget Presentation.

Following through on its policy decision, Government has secured the services of a consultant to undertake the comprehensive review of both its recurrent and capital expenditure programmes.

At a meeting with the consultant on Tuesday, Dr. Mitchell underscored the importance of putting systems in place to ensure expenditure controls and to encourage accountability.

He said, “The money being spent on this consultancy will help Government to save millions. It is a very worthwhile investment and I look forward to the conclusion of it. Cabinet has taken responsibility to initiate this comprehensive expenditure review and we will use the report to implement necessary change.”

During a two-week mission in Grenada, the consultant will conduct interviews and meetings with ministries and departments to examine expenditure trends, current expenditure management systems, and the alignment of spending with Government’s strategic priorities among other areas.

The consultant’s report, expected in the second quarter of 2020, will include concrete recommendations and a plan of action to strengthen expenditure controls, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending and enhance the institutional mechanisms for expenditure management.

The expenditure review is part of Government’s efforts to improve accountability in the public service. The consultancy is being funded by the European Development Fund.

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