CARICOM High Level Team Arrives In Guyana To Supervise Elections Recount

A CARICOM High Level Team is now in Guyana to supervise the re-counting of ballots from the country’s March 2 Elections.

“I’ve spoken directly to both the President and Leader of the Opposition and they have both committed to abide by the results of a fair and transparent recount of each and every ballot, as supervised by the CARICOM Team,” the CARICOM Chairman said.

The Independent High level team is chaired by the former Attorney-General and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Dominica Francine Baron, and comprise former Minister of Finance of Grenada Anthony Boatswain; Senior Lecturer in the Department of Government of UWI Cynthia Barrow-Giles; Chief Electoral Officer of Barbados Angela Taylor; and Chief Elections Officer of Trinidad and Tobago Fern Narcis-Scope.

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