UK Export Finance (UKEF) is providing opportunities to support clean growth projects in the Caribbean. Clean Growth encompasses work that will aid in growing a country’s national income, while cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
Applications are welcomed in support of clean growth projects that fall within the following categories:
- Renewable energy
- production
- transmission
- appliances and products
- Energy efficiency
- new and refurbished buildings
- energy storage
- district heating
- smart grids
- appliances and products
- Pollution prevention and control
- reduction of air emissions
- greenhouse gas control
- soil remediation
- waste prevention
- waste reduction
- waste recycling
- energy/emission efficient waste to energy
- Environmentally sustainable management of living natural resources and land use
- environmentally sustainable agriculture
- environmentally sustainable animal husbandry
- climate smart farm inputs, such as, biological crop protection or drip-irrigation
- environmentally sustainable fishery and aquaculture
- environmentally sustainable forestry, including afforestation or reforestation
- preservation or restoration of natural landscapes
- Terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity conservation
- the protection of coastal, marine and watershed environments
- Clean transportation
- electric, hybrid, public, rail, non-motorised, multi-modal transportation
- infrastructure for clean energy vehicles
- reduction of harmful emissions
- Sustainable water and wastewater management
- sustainable infrastructure for clean and/or drinking water
- wastewater treatment
- sustainable urban drainage systems
- river training and other forms of flooding mitigation
- Climate change adaptation
- information support systems, such as climate observation and early warning systems
- Eco-efficient and/or circular economy adapted products, production technologies and processes
- development and introduction of environmentally sustainable products, with an eco-label or environmental certification
- resource-efficient packaging and distribution
- Green buildings
- buildings that meet regional, national or internationally recognised standards or certifications.