CXC Candidates Have A Month To Submit Their Queries, Pay For Reviews

(LOOP NEWS CARIBBEAN)- The Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) has responded to questions surrounding the July 2020 Examination results.

In a brief statement, CXC stated: “. . .If there is a question about a grade and the candidate wishes to have a script re-examined, they may submit a request for a Review.

“Further details can be found at

“Queries and Reviews may be submitted through schools for in-school candidates or through the Ministry of Education for private candidates.”

CXC released the results of the Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence® (CCSLC®), Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate® (CSEC®) examinations and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination® (CAPE®) on Tuesday, September 22, at 5pm and 8pm.

By nightfall a petition was circulating with candidates, parents and even teachers calling for a review of the grades on a grand scale.

Some students indicated that they received an ‘Absent’ though they had slips to prove that they sat the particular subject paper. Many made this point in relation to CSEC Maths.

With respect to the issue of receiving what they have deemed an “unfair” or “incorrect” absent and ungraded result, CXC stated:

“Each year, candidates may have questions regarding their results and CXC® has a long-established process in place for addressing these concerns.”

According to the CXC Query and Review Process, students must pay to have their grades reviewed:

“If you have questions about an absent or ungraded result, you may submit a query. If you have questions about your grade and would like to have a script re-examined you may submit a request for a review. Queries are free and the cost per review is USD $30.00.”

CXC reminded candidates that “a review of your script may result in your overall Grade either increasing, decreasing or remaining the same. If your review results in an increase in your overall grade, you will be refunded the review fee.”

Students have 30 days to decide their next step. “Candidates should note that the deadline for submission of Queries and Review requests is Friday, October 23, 2020.”

Since the results were released four petitions were created by candidates who were displeased with their results.

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