Prime Minister Meets With Top Officials In Ministry Of Infrastructure Development, Transport & Implemenation

Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Dr. the Right Honourable  Keith Mitchell, says Grenada’s recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will  depend to some extent on the level of activity generated by the Ministry of Infrastructure  Development, Transport and Implementation.

At a meeting last Friday with top officials of that ministry, Dr. Mitchell said, “Economic  activity in the country depends heavily on construction and implementing projects under  the Public Sector Investment Programme. In the absence of the traditional level of activity  by key GDP contributors, Tourism and St. George’s University, the key opportunities for  economic activity in the short to medium term, will therefore be in construction, in both  the public and private sectors.”

The Prime Minister acknowledged the efforts being made by the Ministry to improve the  rate of implementation and welcomed news that all strategic one-off projects are on  schedule. He urged the incoming Minister for Infrastructure Development, Senator the  Honourable Norland Cox to ensure that much focus is placed on this area.

Dr. Mitchell said, “There is a tendency for things to become clogged up in the bureaucratic  system. There must be a greater level of aggression as it relates to project  implementation. Getting projects moving means putting people to work and in this  particular climate, we must seek to generate economic activity as much as possible.”

The Prime Minister also acknowledged the need for more engineers and other technical  support staff and he referenced the Canada Resilience Facility, through which Grenada  can seek support for staffing in technical areas such as engineering and energy.

Minister Cox who has worked alongside this ministry on the implementation of various  projects within his current portfolio, cited project management and resource allocation as  two additional areas of focus that are critical to the ministry’s overall performance.

With respect to transport, the Prime Minister welcomed the ministry’s efforts to develop a  better rapport with stakeholders in the sector. The ministry has also already started a  series of engagements with stakeholders including bus owners and drivers, taxi drivers  and truckers.

The series of ministry meetings continue this week, with the Prime Minister scheduled to  meet officials from the Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts, Fisheries and  Cooperatives; the Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Climate Resilience and the  Environment and the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, Physical  Development, Public Utilities and Energy.

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