Government Provides Stakeholders With Health And Safety Requirements For Operating And Travelling On Buses

 The Government of Grenada is continuing its series of  engagements with bus operators on the health and safety requirements for operations in the  transportation sector.

In the most recent engagement with the presidents of the Bus Associations and bus operators  and senior officials of the Division of Transport, the Royal Grenada Police Force and Chief  Medical Officer, Dr. Shawn Charles, clarity was provided on the application and enforcement  of the Public Health (COVID-19) Regulations and guidelines governing bus operations.

Officials reiterated that it was mandatory for everyone to wear a mask or other suitable face  covering in public places including in Bus Terminals and on buses, unless excused on grounds  outlined in the Regulations.

Persons will be held individually responsible for not wearing their mask and will therefore be  subject to a fine for non-compliance.

The COVID-19 Regulations also stipulate that persons travelling on buses must sanitise their  hands on entering the bus.

Therefore, all occupants (passengers and bus operators), must sanitise their hands before  entering the bus or utilise the mounted sanitisation facility where available. Occupants are also  expected to sanitise their hands after handling money.

Effective today October 1, 2020, every bus operator will be responsible for the sanitisation of  his/her bus. Sanitisation may be done by way of mechanical application or manually using an  approved 70% strength or greater alcohol based solution or disinfectant spray.

The public is reminded that buses are allowed to operate at full insurable capacity in keeping  with health and safety measures as outlined above.

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