Ministry Commends IICA’s Donation To Farmers

As part of the Inter-American Institute for  Cooperation on Agriculture’s response to COVID-19, on Tuesday, Nov. 17, three farmers’  organizations were the latest to benefit from farm tools and fertilisers, which were presented to  Hon. Peter David, Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Lands, by IICA’s National Specialist,  Derek Charles.

Following the presentation, Minister David then handed over the items to the various  organizations. The Grenada Cooperative Nutmeg Association, Grenada Cocoa Association and the  North -East Farmers Organization (NEFO), were the recipients of these tools and fertilisers, during  a special ceremony at Mt. Horne Cocoa Fermentary in St. Andrew. Chairman of the GCNA, Leo  Cato; Chairman of the GCA, Christopher Williams and President of NEFO, Evans Gooding,

collected the tools and fertilisers on behalf of the organizations.

The GCA Chairman stressed how helpful the tools will be in enhancing the work of the farmers,  while the GCNA Chairman praised the move by IICA, stating that the gesture sends a strong  message of support for what is happening in agriculture and what is happening in the GCNA.

“We work hard as a farmers’ organization and these fertilisers will go a long way in supporting  our livelihoods,” Gooding said.

This assistance by IICA to the farmers’ organizations followed successful meetings by its Director  General, Manuel Otero, and staff with key stakeholders of the sector, including ministers of  Agriculture, agro-processors, farmers and youth.

The IICA’s National Specialist, in explaining the Director General’s Special Fund, stated that the  emphasis was placed on providing special assistance to farmers who are vulnerable, because of the  negative impact on their farms as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Charles indicated  that in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, it was agreed to give support to these three  organisations.

Addressing the participants at the ceremony, Hon. Peter David stated that Grenada appreciates the  donations.

He said, “I want to thank IICA, not only for their donation, but also their collaboration with the  Ministry of Agriculture, to enhance the livelihoods of farmers and farmers’ organizations in enhancing the agricultural sector.”

The Ministry of Agriculture has been collaborating with IICA for 40 years, promoting and  supporting the well-being of farmers, through technical cooperation.

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