Prime Minister Donates Computer To Mt. Moritz Anglican School

The Mt. Moritz Anglican School now has an additional computer,  which will be used to enhance its administrative operations.

Prime Minister, Dr. the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell, who is also the Parliamentary  Representative for St. George North West, on Wednesday, presented a desktop  computer to the school.

In handing over the gift, Dr. Mitchell said computers have become even more necessary  during the current pandemic.

He said, “Technology has become a very important part of our lives. In making use of the  available technology, we have to ensure that it is used appropriately, for education, for  information and for knowledge. Students can also use computers to help them better  prepare for the workforce, as also most every job involves the use of computers. Even for  the agriculture and fishing sectors, technology can be used to enhance operations as we  adopt a more scientific approach.”

Dr. Mitchell also spoke of Government’s provision of laptops for secondary school  students and said the intention is to also provide devices for primary school students.

The donation was received by Principal of the Mt. Moritz Anglican School, Ms. Rachael  Forte, who welcomed the gift saying it brings to nine, the number of computers at the  school.

Sixth grade student, Shawn Richardson recited a poem of thanks to the Prime Minister,  which read, “Thank you for the lovely gift, you didn’t have to do it. You have a good and  gracious heart, but then, we always knew it. We love and think of you, with fondness and  with pleasure. This gift is good, but even more, it’s your thoughtfulness we treasure. We  appreciate your kindness more than words can say.”

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