Grenada Red Cross Society Celebrates Achievements For 2020

The Grenada Red Cross Society (GRCS) is celebrating its achievements having executed over 10 projects across the island this year.  

While the restraints of the pandemic affected the society’s regular operations, the team successfully completed its GRCS Strategic Plan 2030, an intricate aspect of its internal processes. The plan guides the society’s involvement in key areas such as climate resilience, disaster management, volunteer management and resource mobilisation. Similarly, the GRCS expanded its disaster management capacity by fully retrofitted a space for its emergency operations centre (EOC) and identified a space for a permanent EOC. The society also expanded its emergency response capabilities by procuring sat phones and handheld radios for the sister island, Carriacou.

Volunteers preparing for hamper distribution

Apart from developing its internal processes and capacity, the society also worked with partners to achieve several community projects across the island. Working alongside the Nature Conservatory, the GRCS progressed with erecting a climate resilience building in the Marquis and Telescope area. The society also partnered with the Ministry of Education to distribute 66 infrared thermometers to primary schools to assist in the government’s fight against the Covid-19 virus. The society also played a major role in providing support during the pandemic by installing 14 public handwashing station in St David, St Mark and St Andrew; 8 stations were installed in schools across the tri-island state. The GRCS also provided psychosocial support, procured personal protective equipment (PPE) and provided exposure training to volunteers. The society also continued its food and hygiene hamper distribution, assisting over 600 families.

GRCS distributes an infrared thermometer to a school

The Grenada Red Cross continues to rely on the goodwill and hard work of volunteers to accomplish its projects. This was particularly true for 2020, as volunteers played a fundamental role in the society’s ability to provide support during the pandemic. Speaking at a recently concluded ceremony to celebrate the work of the volunteers, GRCS’ Director-General Kathy-Ann Morain explained how the volunteers are the heart of the organisation. Morain stated, “We are living in an era where the work of the Red Cross is becoming more relevant, due to the increase in the number of disasters associated with climate change and other humanitarian crises. Today, as the world continues to battle with the effects of the pandemic, volunteers are a significant contributor to the frontline activities geared toward the containment.”

Morain took the time to personally thank those who make the GRCS projects possible. “Our volunteers support staff in the implementation of projects to reduce risk, offer social protection and implement health programmes in response to Covid-19. I take this opportunity to thank all volunteers and staff for doing all that they do to keep people safe; the world is a much better place because of what they do” she commented.

The Grenada Red Cross Society wants to thank all partners that made these projects possible: International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC), The Nature Conservatory, USAID, RBTT, Nestle, the French Red Cross (through the Regional Intervention Platform for the Americas and the Caribbean – PIRAC), the Barbados Red Cross and the Cocoa Cola Foundation.

Looking towards 2021, the Grenada Red Cross Society aims to continue working towards its mission. The society encourages the public to follow its work on social media and other platforms and to consider volunteering to make a difference in Grenada.


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