Government News

Grenada’s Prime Minister To Participate In CARICOM Inter-Sessional Meeting, Starting Wednesday

Grenada’s Prime Minister, Dr. the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell  will lead the country’s delegation attending the Thirty-Second Inter-Sessional Meeting of  CARICOM Heads of Government, which will be held this week. The February 24-25 meeting will be held […]

Government News

Grenada Re-elected As Chair Of The United Nations Special Committee On Decolonization (C24)

Grenada’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Grenada to the United Nations, Her Excellency Keisha A. McGuire, has been re-elected by acclamation as C24 Chair for the 2021 term. Her re-election came on 18 February 2021, […]

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Government News

Grenada’s Prime Minister Encourages New Regional Business Partnerships In Response To Challenges Of COVID-19 Pandemic

Grenada’s Prime Minister, Dr. the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell  is encouraging the creation of new business partnerships as part of the region’s  response to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Addressing members of the regional […]

Local News

Pure Grenada, Getting Tougher On Marine Waste

Pure Grenada, the Spice of the  Caribbean is taking important steps to further protect its marine environment for future  generations while creating opportunities for the sector. The tri-island nation is working with  the Caribbean Public […]